Friday, December 10, 2010

Funding for LLS

As you may know I am a volunteer for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  The program is called First Connection.  The LLS ofice in Albany receives phone calls from patients and or caregivers requesting that a volunteer call them. We are then matched up by age, gender... and we are given the phone number to call the patient back to discuss our experiences and answer any questions.
I recently mentioned my blog to the person in charge of the First Connections and here is what she said, 
"If you can share the names, I can list these as First Connections. The more matches we make, the more funding we can often obtain, as we demonstrate more service delivery." 
It is the funding that leads to the research that saved my life as well as many others. Please consider

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Holidays

I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season! May you be blessed with love and good health.
However, if the season finds you down, I understand. I remember my first Christmas after diagnosis, I had a scare the first week of that Dec. a very high fever, infection, and I had to be hospitalized. As far as my girls holiday parties at school I could not go in unless I had a mask on. But I was happy to be home with my girls and not in the hospital on Christmas day.
So, if you are fighting or struggling this holiday season, try to take just a moment for yourself, forget all your troubles, immerse yourself in whatever makes you happy, and take a moment to be free.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Side by Side Article

On the third of the month I had a check up at Dana-Farber. I was thrilled to step out of the elevator and find my article stacked on every news stand. (They have a lot of news stands there). The editor, informed me that the internal patient staff liked it so much, he re-printed it in a small newspaper called, Inside the Institute. This paper also gets distributed to satellite offices. My doc and nurses told me that they loved reading my article. So pleased!