Monday, April 4, 2011

3 Years Down

April 2, 2008 is my new birthday, so yesterday I turned three. I do not want a word mentioned around my kids and I really do not want any celebration.
I know how lucky I am, I called my sister, my donor and tearfully said, "Thank You!"
Two more years and my chances of GVH and relapse decrease significantly.
Now that I just cursed myself I should stop.
I did make it through the day, and only once did I think of the hellish state I was in on that day, three years ago. I was at death's door, opening my eyes hurt, I remember looking at the bag of stem cells, and the nurse commenting, "Here we go Michele, your new stem cells."
Words cannot describe that moment! My mouth full of sores, to the bottom of my throat, I grunted. I lay emaciated, burnt, tubes like pipes coming out of my skin. My eyes tear up at the thought of it all.
No, I do not want to celebrate today!


Jessie said...

Happy birthday! Bleh...I don't like thinking about that day either. But you can think about how far you've come! I look forward to being where you are :)

MarrowMommy said...

Thank you, now I have to face an upcoming trip to Boston!
You will get there, one day at a time.